Best Friends. Vayishlach 5783 As he was being pursued by his evil brother Eisav, Yaakov sent angels in attempt to save himself [1]. But is this not a little ..
Written by Rabbi Daniel Leeman
This week's parasha tells us about the passing of Jacob our father, the parasha talks about the obituary they did for Yaakov and his burial in the Cave of the Patriarchs, ..
Written by rocker1234
Yosef was blessed by his father Yaakov that he become (“vayidgu”) plentiful [1] – like fish (dugim) who the evil eye does not rule over fish [2]. Why does ..
Written by Rabbi Daniel Leeman
“Yisachar chamor gorem (Yisachar is a bony ox)” 49:14. Like a donkey, Yisachar bent his shoulder to bear the yoke of Torah. Seeing as the word “gorem” ..
Written by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Bereishis, 41:51: “And he called the name of the first-born Menashe, for ‘HaShem has caused me to forget (nashani) all my hardship and all my father’s ..
Written by Rabbi Yehonasan Gefen
Who is ‘Leading the Way’? Although Hashem is Really the All-inclusive, All-powerful Creator and Sustainer of the world, when it comes to the realm of life ..
Written by Rabbi Nachum Chaimowitz
Before Moshe our leader passes away (‘samoch l’misaso’), he blesses the Children of Israel [1]. The issue has been raised as to why Moshe waited until he blessed ..
Written by Rabbi Daniel Leeman
עשו sold the בכורה for a pot of lentils. The question is very obvious: How can יעקב buy “רוחניות “for a pot of soup?! A איד came ..
And it was on the third day while they (the People of Shechem) were in pain that two of Yaakov’s sons — Shimon and Levi — Dina’s brothers, each took his sword ..
Written by Rabbi Moshe Kormornick
And Avraham took . . . the souls that they made in Charan . . . (12:5) The Medrash relates that the “souls that they made” are referring to the people that Avraham ..
Written by Rabbi Moshe Kormornick