When Moshe Rabbeinu entreated Hashem to appoint a leader to succeed him, Hashem answered, \”Before you command Me concerning My children, command My children ..
Written by Rabbi Zev Leff
“This is the census of Moshe and Elazar the priest (to apportion the land of Israel) who numbered the children of Israel in the plains of Moav by the Jordan at Jericho. ..
Written by Howard Jackson
“One he-goat, to make atonement for you” By all the other Yamim Tovim the Pasuk says “Sieer Izom L’Chataos”. Why isn’t the word ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
Pinchos got up and decided on his own to defend the honor of Hashem and kill Zimri. He acted in accordance with the halacha of “Kana’im Pog’im ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
We are told that the result of Pinchas’s heroic act was that he was awarded with the Kehunah. What does the Kehunah have to do with what Pinchas did? One idea ..
Written by d fine
The start of this sedra follows the end of last sedra; Pinchas has just killed Zimri, the prince of Shimon, for his sin with Kozbi the Midyanite princess – ..
Written by d fine
The Yom Tov of Shmini Atzeres makes an appearance at the very end of our sedra. Chazal tell us that HaShem instituted Shmini Atzeres because ..
Written by d fine
Short point to ponder…Every Jewish leader has their characteristic which defined them e.g. Avraham = chesed. Moshe = anava (humility). What is Yehoshua’s? ..
Written by d fine