Any man whose wife shall go astray and commit treachery against him (5:12) The “Sota” described in this verse is referring to a married woman who is warned in front ..
Written by Rabbi Moshe Kormornick
Naso: An Elixer of Peace This week in Parshas Nasso begins with the laws of Sotah. A Sotah is a woman who was cautioned by her husband to avoid secluding herself ..
Written by Rabbi Aryeh Dachs
“Take a census of the sons of Gershon, as well, following their fathers’ household, according to their families.” (22:4) The commentators note ..
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NASSO AND SHAVUOS – THE FREEDOM OF TORAH By Yehonasan Gefen : The parsha discusses the mitzva of Nezirus, whereby a person takes a vow to abstain ..
Written by Yehonasan Gefen
Parashas Nasso – The Sotah : This week we have the second instalment from the book of Bamidbar which is that of the action-packed Parashas Nasso. Again as discussed ..
Written by Daniel Sandground
When a person makes the vow to become a nazir he/she is assur from wine and becoming Tamei Mes, amongst other things. When he finishes his Nezirus the possuk says ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
Citing the gemarra, Rashi (6:2) famously asks why the Torah juxtaposes the topics of the Sotah (the suspected unfaithful wife) and the Nazir (the person who vows ..
Written by d fine
In the psukim of nazir, the nazir is called a ‘choteh’ (hence brings a sin offering; for he is over-abstaining on muttar things) yet he is also ..
Written by d fine
As the Torah mentions (6:11), a Nazir must bring a sin offering. Why is that? Rashi (6:11) cites the Tanna Rebbi Eliezer HaKappar, who explains that the Nazir has sinned ..
Written by d fine
Towards half-time in our sedra we find the portion of the Sotah; the unfaithful wife. Basically, the Sotah process occurs if her husband suspects ..
Written by d fine