Under certain circumstances, a father has the ability to annul his daughter’s vows. This is described as that her father “heini” her [1]. The word “heini” ..
Written by Rabbi Danial Leeman
Matos: The Good Fight The Chovos Halevavos in the section Yichud Hashem describes the following scene. A group of soldiers are returning from a victorious ..
Written by Rabbi Aryeh Dachs
Pledges and vows are not to be taken lightly. “Do not profane your word” [1] we are instructed, since ‘it is profaning the holy’ [2]. But what exactly is so ‘holy’ ..
Written by Rabbi Daniel Leeman
Written by Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovits
There is a contradiciton between two psukim which are next to each other in our sedra! HaShem tells Moshe to ‘take the revenge OF BNEI ..
Written by d fine
After we already have beaten Midyan in war, we are given laws about kashering utensils. This paragraph receives an interesting intorduction; it starts with the words ..
Written by d fine
Mattos-Massei; A Direct Connection : As far as I am aware, there is no bigger leining than this double sedra; a total of 244 psukim (that’s 68 more than Naso, ..
Written by d fine
In the portion of Matot we read about the war against Midyan. The spoils had to be divided equally between the army and the people who had stayed behind. The tax however ..
Written by Asher Ben Shimon
“Ki Ani Hashem shochen b’soch Bnei Yisrael – For I am Hashem, Who dwells amidst the children of Israel” (Bamidbar 35:34). The Imrei Aish ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose