Korach: It’s Not So Simple I once read that R’ Aron Leib Shteinman quipped, “When people tell me they are acting not for their own sake but rather ..
Written by Rabbi Aryeh Dachs
“Korach took…” [1] Korach led a rebellion against Moshe. We have been taught that whilst his followers foolishly sinned, Korach was wise, and instead it was his eyes ..
Written by Rabbi Daniel Leeman
In his argument, Korach says the words ‘the people are all holy’ (16;3). This was part of his faulty outlook on life, for HaShem tells Bnei Yisrael that ..
Written by d fine
Just a short one. The 250 followers of Korach were pulled into this argument/rebellion, and they all offered their ketores despite the fact that they all knew that ..
Written by d fine
The bulk of this week’s sedra is about the rebellion of Korach and his followers. Now, when one learns the sedra as a child, one thinks ‘Korach is a baddy’ ..
Written by d fine
16:1. Vayikach Korach. What a Difference a Good Shidduch Makes The Gemora talks about the word ‘vayikach’, and why the story begins with this word. There are several ..
Written by Rabbi Almoni
It is a busy day at home and the entire family is rushing around frantically trying to finalise preparations for a celebratory birthday dinner. As it nears an hour ..
Written by Anonymous
The whole episode of the spies which dominates this week’s parsha is one of the most troubling sections in the Torah. The explanation of exactly what happened ..
Written by Rabbi Andrew Savage
Rashi explains that Korach was a clever person, yet how could he go so far wrong as to challenge Moshe and the whole authenticity of the Torah? There are many reasons, ..
Written by Anonymous
“And Korach took…” (16:1) Rashi (to verse 7) writes: “Korach was an intelligent [literally, ‘open-eyed’] man. What reason did he have ..
Written by Anonymous