Famously, Moshe Rabeinu sins in our sedra by ostensibly hitting a rock which he was commanded to speak to. What exactly was the sin? There are several opinions here; ..
Written by d fine
Parshas Chukas; Fathoming the Unfathomable & Making it Relevant : This week we shall look at an essential topic within the world of mitzvos. The topic is as detailed ..
Written by d fine
The Midrash (Kohelles Rabbah 7:23) relates that Shlomo Hamelech made a special effort to understand the reasons for parah adumah (the red heifer). IN the end he concluded ..
Written by Rabbi Zev Leff
The Torah tells us that the when the Kna’anim heard that Aharon died and the Ananei HaKavod went away, they attacked Bnei Yisroel. Rashi tells us that this was really ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
Rashi comments that when the verse said ,”all the house of Israel”, this refers to both men and woman. Since Aaron pursued peace and caused love to prevail ..
Written by Yehuda Katz
Shlomo HaMelech said, “Amarti Echkimah Vihee Richokah Mimehnee”; “I thought I was wise, however it is distant from me.” Shlomo thought that ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
“And they journeyed from Kadesh, and B’nei Yisrael came, the whole congregation, to Hor Hahar” (Bemidbar 20:22) Rashi cites a Midrash which is particularly ..
Written by The Jersey Shore Temple Bulletin
In Parshas BeShalach when Hashem first wanted the water to flow from the rock Hashem told Moshe to hit it. Why 40 years later when Hahsem wanted to renew the water ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
“A completely red heifer which is unblemished upon which never came a yoke” (Bemidbar 19:2) After studying the various laws that apply to the Parah Adumah, ..
Written by The Jersey Shore Temple Bulletin
Two of our three ‘good leaders’ (parnasim tovim; gemarra Ta’anis 9a) in the desert die in our sedra; Miriam and Aharon. Most know of Aharon’s greatness – ..
Written by d fine