“And Hashem said to Moshe ‘Gather seventy men of the elders of Israel, who you know to be elders and police…'” (Bamidbar 11:16). Rashi says ..
Written by B Rose
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Written by d fine
“ViHaIsh Moshe Anav MiKol Adam”, Moshe’s greatness was that he was more humble than any other person. The gemara in Nedarim (38a) says that the Shechina only ..
Written by B Rose
“On the day that the Mishkan was erected, the cloud covered the Mishkan, and then in the evening, there appeared something like a fire on the Mishkan and remained ..
Written by Rafi Jager
Behaalosecha – Humility – the key to Greatness : In the end of the Parsha, Hashem describes Moshe Rabbeinu as the most humble man upon the face of the Earth. ..
Written by Yehonasan Gefen
After the Torah lists the tribal leaders and their roles in the dedication of the Mishkan, Aron is awarded the responsibility of lighting the menorah at the outset ..
Written by Rafi Jager
At the end of our sedra, Miriam is punished for speaking ‘lashon hara’ about Moshe. Rav Dessler raises the question that if you look at the psukim (always ..
Written by d fine
Parashas Behaaloscha – Liar Liar This week’s sedra is another busy one with no lack of activity to discuss… so lets get started. Parashas Behaaloscha ..
Written by Daniel Sandground
The opening Rashi of the sedra points out that Aharon was down-heartened when he saw the grand korbanos of the princes for the opening of the mishkan (parshas Naso) ..
Written by d fine
Being out of order has never been so peaceful… The gemarra (Pesachim 6b) learns an important principle from the first pasuk of perek 9 of our sedra. Noting ..
Written by d fine