Our Parsha describes the detailed census of the Jewish people in the desert. Indeed, for this reason the English name for the sefer Bamidbar is “numbers”. ..
It is explained that we have been commanded to be happy on the festivals in order to provide us with an opportunity to satiate our natural necessity for happiness ..
“The Levites shall encamp around the Tabernacle so that there shall be no wrath upon the assembly of the Children of Israel and the Levites will guard the guardings ..
Parshas Bamidbar/Shavous A few questions need to be asked about our weekly Parsha. First, why does Parshas Bamidbar always fall out before Shavuos as Tosfos in Megillah ..
PARSHAS BAMIDBAR – YEHUDA AND YISSOCHOR : The Parsha devotes considerable time to describing the formations of the tribes. They were arranged in groups of three. ..
Rav Chaim Halpern points out that the first Rashi in each Chumash always seems to sing the praises of Klal Yisrael. The first Rashi in Bereishis tells of the present ..
The sedra and chumash are called ‘bamidbar’ after the opening pasuk retelling that HaShem spoke to Moshe in the desert. Why is this detail so important ..
The Sforno at the start of our sedra (1:2) reveals what HaShem’s original plan was – what would have happened had we not succumbed to the sin of the spies. ..
The order of play of the first part of our sedra is as follows: First, we are told about the princes of each tribe, followed by a reporting of the results of the count ..
All the tribes get a mention (several times) in Bamidbar. If so, why is the word for Jews ‘yehudim’ – baring a striking resemblance to the tribe of Yehudah; ..