The story is told about two brothers. These brothers each had a plot of land on either side of a mountain. The younger brother had a large family, while the older ..
Written by Rabbi Yirmiyohu Abramov
The institution of marriage is under siege. In the Western world, divorce rates hover around an unparalleled fifty percent. Due to pressures of today and extraordinary ..
Written by Rabbi Yirmiyohu Abramov
In Shir HaShirim (3:11), Shlomo HaMelech refers to an event which occurred b’yom chasunaso ub’yom simchas libo – on the day of his wedding and on the day of his heart’s ..
Written by Oizer Alport
*The following segment is a brief outline of tefillas for the wedding day. Please print this out and use it for the Big Day to focus on the Prayers that will be the foundation ..
Written by Yehudis Kormornick
A rabbi once visited the illustrious Rabbi Kanievsky, who was called “the Steipler,” and he told him that he was looking for a shidduch for his granddaughter. ..
Written by from Daf Yomi Review
The Torah goes to great length to repeat the Kobanos of each Nasi. It would have been much shorter to just write it once and then say that all the Nisi’im ..
Written by Ben Rose
First of all, we must remember that even when you know how wonderful the Kallah is and her family is, you have to check “Hashemeinah hee im Razah.” (For ..
Written by B - Havolim
The pasuk in Parshas shoftim states: “Righteousness, righteousness you shall pursue so that you will live and take possession of the land that Hashem, your ..
Written by Ben Rose
strode into the kitchen and up to his wife. Pointing a finger in her face, he said: “From now on, I want you to know that I am the man of this house, and my word ..
Written by Aron
Chazal tell us that words and letters in the torah and hebrew words are never wasted and are never there for no reason. The word ISH – איש – MAN is spelt ..
Written by Anonymous