For six days you shall do work, but the seventh day shall be holy for you, a day of complete rest for Hashem (35:2) The Chofetz Chaim once asked why this verse, ..
Written by Rabbi Moshe Kormornick
In order to appreciate Shabbos properly, it is essential to develop an understanding of the idea of ‘menucha’ that is so central to this holy day. The Torah ..
Written by Rabbi Yehonasan Gefen
The Kuzari beautifully outlines three reasons/concepts that are put together on the day of Shabbos. Firstly, Shabbos sees us bear testimony to the Exodus from Egypt. ..
Written by d fine
“Le’hagid Ba’boker Chasdecha – To tell of your kindness in the daytime” (shir shel yom shabbos kodesh) When things are going well – ..
Written by Anonymous
When I was at home in London over the December holidays I felt that I could take a step back and look over the current position of my life, what I was doing wrong, ..
Written by Anonymous
In the list of people who are prohibited from working on Shabbos, the Vilna Gaon notes that every one begins with a connecting “vov” – “and” – except ..
Written by Anonymous
On our verse, which relates that the complainers lamented their recollection of the fish they used to eat in Egypt, the Medrash Pliah cryptically remarks mi’kan ..
Written by Anonymous
The verse states…“For six days labour may be done, and on the seventh day is a complete day of rest, a holy convocation; you shall not do any work” (vayikra ..
Written by Benjamin Rose