Throughout the year Rabbis stress the importance of praying with a Minyan. What is so important about praying in a quorum of ten other people? I once heard Rabbi ..
Written by Anonymous
talking about the brachah in the amidah for “desires teshuvah-…harotze biteshuva)” – the 4th one; kabbalistically there are 7 heavens, with ..
Written by Anonymous
I heard this Vort b’shem Rav Ginsburg (Michlala Sem and Netiv Aryeh), He said it in the name of Ramban When we say Brochos on food and most ..
Written by Ben Rose
The mitzvah of Tzitzis is in itself dispensible, inasmuch as someone who chooses not to wear a garment of four corners is exempt from fulfilling it. In effect, the mitzvah ..
Written by Anonymous
Baruch atta Hashem (I have to get my suit dry cleaned)… magen avraham (I’m really hungry)… stop it I need to concentrate on davening. Sound familiar?? ..
Written by YK
Baruch atoh Hashem…… This is the start of all blessings,; after seeing a rainbow, before eating bread, and in all our daily prayers. ..
Written by Daniel K
Why do we say Tehillim by the side of a dead body waiting to be buried? I pondered this as I was doing the mitzva of Shmira for a lady who had just ..
Written by Moshe Kormornick
The Gemoro in B’rochos (12a) explains that it is not only in order to fulfill the mitzvah of remembering Yetzi’as Mitzrayim, that Chazal inserted Parshas ..
Written by Anonymous
I was once told that the meaning of the word Emunah is not just “faith”, as it is commonly translated, but faithfulness. But it was only recently that ..
Written by Daniel King
There was once a doctor who was told that one night shift in the hospital he would be on the ward all by himself. With many patients and no support, this was not going ..
Written by YK