Yechezkal, Perakim 31-36 1) Perek Summaries Perek 31: Prophecy referring to the Pharaoh of Egypt telling him not to be so haughty about his country’s might; take ..
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INTRODUCTION TO SEFER YIRMIYAH Yirmiyah lived during the times of the First Beis Hamikdash. His life was a hard one; he lived during the time of false prophets, ..
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Melachim Aleph 14-19 DVAR TORAH… There is an extremely relevant mishna for this time of year and this period in Nach re Yeravam. Let’s try and offer and explanation ..
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Shoftim; 7-12 Perek 7 – HaShem reduces size of Gidon’s army from 32,000 to 300 and gives him a sign tht he’ll be victorious. Gidon splits camp into 3 and frighten ..
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Yechezkal, Perakim 25-30 1) Perek Summaries Perek 25: Prophecy against Ammon, Moab, Se’ir, Edom, and the Phillistines – all about their punishments. Perek ..
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Yeshaya 61-66 Perek Summaries: Perek 61: Times of Moshaich, the simcha therein and punishment of the wicked. Thanksgiving to HaShem. Perek 62: Yerushalayim being ..
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Nach Summary; Melachim Aleph 8-13 1)PEREK SUMMARIES Perek 8 – The aron is brought to the mikdash. Shlomo hamelech gives a prayer to HaShem and blesses the people. ..
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Shoftim Chapter 1: Shimon and Yehudah are successful in their attempts to conquer their parts of Canaan, Otniel marries Calev’s daughter, Achsah, as a reward ..
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Yechezkal, Perakim 19-24 1) Perek Summaries Perek 19: References to the Beis Yisrael’s errant leadership via parable of a vine and a lion cub. Perek 20: A fascinating ..
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Yeshaya 55-60 Perek Summaries: The perakim from here onwards generally speak about the redemption of Moshiach. Perek 55: Warning to keep HaShem’s mitzvos, with ..
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