I just wanted to give you all a taste of the Torah of Israel… I took the time to translate it and write it out,about an hour so please take ten minutes to read ..
The story is told of Rav Yisrael Salanter, of blessed memory, who was once traveling on a train. In the same compartment with him was a young man who did not recognize ..
Rav Elimelech Bidermen in his Be’er Haparsha on Parshas Vaeira 5779 brings the following fascinating story that happened a few years ago: It is about one of the Bnei ..
Shabbat afternoon I left my friends house cutting it a little fine to get to mincha for 8:30pm. I got to shul and the door was closed so I tried the combination ..
A week and a half ago was the first Shabbat of Hanukah. My family had the privilege to be in the Old City of Jerusalem, as well as to host a bunch of guests as is usually ..
This year I decided I would go to Yerushalayim for Shavuos to stay in Yeshiva and visit friends. The day I arrived in Yeshiva was Erev Chag and I had to get some ..
This was told to me by a very nice guy who wanted to inspire enthusiasm when doing mitzvas. 2 elderly talmidai chachamim make a pact that the first one to be nifta ..
The following is a true story: Recently, the beautiful Jerusalem skylight set the stage for divine theatre that I would find hard to believe if I did not know the people ..
I was taking a journey many of you have taken. A quick, simple 5 hour flight from Israel to England. The only thing was that this time it was not quick or simple ..
We know that Hashem wears a mask. He hides Himself behind the veil of nature. But if we realise that a mask is just that – a mask, then we will realise that we can lift ..
The Arizal was once sitting in a field near Tzfas, teaching the secrets of the Torah to a select group of students. Suddenly, he stopped his lecture and declared, ..