The Gemara in Berachos 55a says Hashem only gives wisdom to those that have wisdom. The question is how does someone get the first bit of wisdom so they can merit ..
Written by Yehoash orange
In one of the stanzas of the ‘Lecho Dodi (written by Rabbi Shlomo Halevy Alkabetz) we say ‘Likras Shabbos, lechu v’neilicha, come let us go to greet Shabbos.’ ..
Written by Rabbi Moshe Kormornick
From where do we derive the law that one should not intermingle one joyous occasion with another? For it is written1: “At that time Solomon instituted the celebration ..
Written by Anonymous
What are the differences between the Aravah (willow) that may be used in the Arba Minim (the Four Species taken on Succot) and the Tzaftzafah (populous alba) that ..
Written by H Jackson
These chazara questions and answers are based on a mishna-berura chavrusa with Ben Rose. 1. For someone who is a) forced/time-pressed and b) not time-pressed, lechatchila ..
Written by Jonny Caller
From where do we derive the law that one should not intermingle one joyous occasion with another? For it is written1: “At that time Solomon instituted the celebration ..
Written by Anonymous
Please correct any mistakes! 1. A) After dawn, once it starts to get noticeably lighter = ‘mishehair pnei hamizrach’ B) Netz 2. Shacharit corresponds to the Tamid ..
Written by Jonny Caller
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Written by Anonymous
The Torah states: “Lo Titgodedu1” which means “do not form separate factions”. (Gemara Yevamot 13b) Rashi explains that if various interpretations of Halachah ..
Written by Anonymous