There was a man who spent his entire life looking for leniencies in all aspects of halacha (Jewish law) – whatever it was, he would search around until he found ..
Written by Rabbi Moshe Kormornick
What’s a phrase that makes total sense to most Jews but zero sense to everyone else? “When’s candle lighting?” “We don’t hold ..
Written by Short Vort
A Rabbi told his congregation, “Next week I plan to speak about the sin of lying. To help you understand the shiur, I want you all to prepare Devorim, chapter ..
Written by Short Vort
A woman says to her husband “you don’t tell me what you think about me”. The husband replies “A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K”. She demands an explanation. ..
Written by N. Tuch
What is the proper thing to say when a camel sits on you? ”Ashira laHashem ki gamal Ali”
Written by Anonymous
There are three types of Jews; a shlemiel, a shlemazel and a nudnick. In a typical situation the shlemiel spills boiling hot soup on the shlemazel, the nudnick shouts ..
Written by N. Tuch
Schlomie is still in bed shabbat morning at 10:30 and his furious mum storms in and says ‘schlomie! get up and go to shul!’ ‘i dont want to’ ..
Written by Anonymous
Shmerel went to borrow a horse from his neighbor, Berel. “Sure, you can borrow my horse,” replies Berel. “But one thing you have to know about ..
Written by Sarah Polak
A Jewish man is honoured with a knighthood from the Queen. Weeks before the big event he’s fluently learnt the latin phrase that everyone needs to say. And so the big day arrives…and ..
Written by Anonymous
A man wants to build a house, so he goes to the rabbi and asks him how. The rabbi says “Im glad you asked me that. There is actually a whole gemorah about ..
Written by Anonymous