I wanted to share a short lesson that I learned from spending a few days in hospital after a “freak” accident. Rabbi Moshe Kormornick @ ShortVort.com
Written by Rabbi Moshe Kormornick
Written by Rav Yitzchak Berkovits
Tatte… its me… do you recognize me? I know that You see me all the time, but I havent seen you. I have been so lost. But now I see you everywhere. I see You in the sky, ..
Written by A Daughter
Upon examining the Yom Kippur services, one finds that the services begin with a verse from Tehillim: “Light is sown for the righteous, and for the upright ..
Written by B Rose
י-ה-ו-ה Was, is and will be Hashem is the creator of world who is active in every single aspect of it. Find Hashem and build a connection ..
Written by Moshe Kormornick
Imagine a man is put on trial charged with having committed several crimes. After hearing the case; including the prosecution, defendant, and character witnesses, ..
Written by D Fine
talking about the brachah in the amidah for “desires teshuvah-…harotze biteshuva)” – the 4th one; kabbalistically there are 7 heavens, with ..
Written by Anonymous
My dad once told me this; i think it’s from the Kotzker Rav… For a good month and ten days from rosh chodesh elul until yom kippur we add ‘ledavid ..
Written by d fine
Mobile phone as a metaphor for life? Before anything, you must have a plan. Do your research before starting a new priceplan. Ask people who have experience and can give ..
Written by B ROSE
Sometimes when one asks a question, he receives a mediocre answer and is told ‘the question is better than the answer.’ Other times, the answer is better than ..
Written by Daniel Fine