It says in the Gemorah Taanis (23a) “One day, he (Honi Hamagal) was walking along the road when he saw a certain man planting a carob tree. Ḥoni said to him: ..
Written by Dovid Gordon
The first Mishna in the gemara of Rosh Hashana informs us of various ‘new years’. These are times of the year that are considered the beginning of the annual ..
Written by Rabbi Yehonasan Gefen
The gemara in Makos 24a says that although Hashem gave 613 mitzvos various neviim found strong foundations that cover many mitzvos and were ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
The Mishna in Rosh HaShana says there are four Rosh HaShanas during the course of the year. The Rosh HaShana for the trees is on Tu B’Shvat according to Bais ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
The Torah gives an interesting rule of war. When laying seige to a city, it tells us not to cut down any fruit trees, for we might need to eat from them. And ‘a ..
Written by Anonymous
After the shira, the Bnei Yisrael are in Mara, unable to drink the ‘bitter’ water. Hashem instructs Moshe to put a piece of tree (a branch) ..
Written by Jonny Caller