As we mourn for the loss of the Beit HaMikdash in the days leading up to Tisha B’Av, it seems strange to say that in a funny sort of way we should be happy that ..
Written by Julian Alper
The Medrash notes a peculiar choice of words when Dovid describes the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash in Tehillim: “A song of Asaf. O Hashem, foreign nations ..
Written by Rabbi Moshe Kormornick
Why was the Beis Hamikdash destroyed? Because there was baseless hatred… שנאת חינם :יומא דף ט Rabbi Moshe Greene, a rabbi in Yeshiva Sh’or ..
Written by Rabbi Moshe Green
In the Eye of the Beholder In the Megillah of Eichah (1:12), read on Tisha B’Av, we find the following statement: “Is it nothing to you, all you that ..
Written by Rabbi Yehuda Prero
In his sefer ‘pirkei machshava,’ Rabbi Tauber writes extensively about the role of tragedy. We’ll try to sumarise it with one vort. Chazal relate ..
Written by d fine
The best way to say this is by a vort. In shir hama’alos we say ‘when we will return to Zion we WERE dreaming.’ Why is dreaming in the past tense ..
Written by d fine
When we enter the 9 Days in particular, we can feel that Hashem is not with us and that He has abandoned us due to our sins and that we are suffering all alone. ..
Written by Moshe Kormornick
Tisha B’Av Letter A letter from Someone homeless… Dear whoever it may concern, This letter is not supposed to encourage pity or feeling sorry for me. To be perfectly ..
Written by Anonymous
Tisha B’Av and Simcha In General The gemarra (Ta’anis 29a) says that ‘just like in Adar we increase the simcha, so too in Av do we decrease the simcha.’ ..
Written by d fine
There is a famous story that one Tisha B’Av as Napoleon was walking through the streets of Paris he heard bitter wailing coming form inside a building. When ..
Written by B ROSE