The Gemara in Succah (45b) quotes Rebbi Shimon, “I have seen the people “on top” and they are few. If there are 1,000, I and my son are among them. ..
Written by Anonymous
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Written by Anonymous
When it was 2 weeks till my wedding it really hit me. I couldn’t wait – 2 weeks 2 weeks! – and every day after that I would count down to the day. ..
Written by Moshe Kormornick
24,000 of Rabbi Akiva’s students died since ‘lo nahagu kavod zeh lazeh’ (yevamos 62b); they did not behave respectfully to one another. How could ..
Written by Anonymous
The Jewish people left Egypt on Passover, and 50 days later (on the holiday of Shavuot) received the Torah at Mount Sinai. Today, in revisiting that Sinai experience, ..
Written by Ben Rose
The 49 days that we count from Pesach to Shavous are given to us to work on our Middos. It is a time of introspection, a time when we ask the Ribbono Shel Olam to help ..
Written by Reb Mordechai Rosen
The famous question that everybody asks is why do we count upward towards Shavuos. Shouldn’t we count down watching the days go by, as we get closer? These days ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
The title says the question; counting the omer is a yearly mitzvah. Why do we not make a shehechiyanu bracha on the first night we count the omer just like we do on sitting ..
Written by d fine
What’s the idea of the omer count & what do we relive? The Bnei Yisrael went through a massive change in the 50 days from Exodus until Mattan Torah. We went ..
Written by d fine