“Seven days you will celebrate (the festival of Sukkos)… and (on Simchas Torah) you will be only happy” [1]. The word “only” (ach) indicates an exclusion ..
Written by Rabbi Daniel Leeman
Succos, its a funny old festival men walking around with shotguns and grenades and shaking them about in 6 directions. Whats it all about. these shotguns arent really ..
Written by Benjamin Rose
Sukkos; Tiferes I cannot remember where most of this came from, so sorry for not quoting it’s ‘owner.’ But I do remember the gist of things, so here goes… ..
Written by Anonymous
A Mishneh in Succa (51a) states the following: ‘One who never saw the celebration of the Joy of (Water) Drawing has never seen a celebration in his lifetime. ..
Written by Rabbi Black
A nice little idea. There is a steady progression from Rosh HaShanah to sukkos. The set of 3 of Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkos, have been compared to the 3 mitzvos ..
Written by Anonymous
We have special brochos for so many mitzvos, why not for building a sukkah? The Classic Commentaries bring a multitude of answers to this question. The Gemorra in tractate ..
Written by Binyamin Rose
What are the differences between the Aravah (willow) that may be used in the Arba Minim (the Four Species taken on Succot) and the Tzaftzafah (populous alba) that ..
Written by H Jackson
First: the mitzvah of sukkah is done with the entire body — all of you sits in the sukkah — while most mitzvot are performed with specific parts of the body ..
Written by rafi Jager