When Hashem went to the nations of the world to offer them the Torah, they each asked what was written in it. To each nation, Hashem stated the law which challenged ..
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On the festival of Shvuos, when we commemorate the giving of the Torah, we read the vision of the ‘Merkavah’ of the prophet Yechezkel. What exactly is this ‘Merkavah’ ..
Written by Rabbi Daniel Leeman
SuperVision’ By Rabbi Daniel Leeman On the festival of Shavuos we commemorate the giving of, and ‘reaccept’ upon ourselves the Torah. But being that the commandments ..
Written by Rabbi Daniel Leeman
Milk and honey are ready to be consumed without any additives or improvements. Therefore, we have milk and honey on Shavuos to remind us and to impart within us that ..
Written by HaRav Moshe Sternbuch
When it was 2 weeks till my wedding it really hit me. I couldn’t wait – 2 weeks 2 weeks! – and every day after that I would count down to the day. ..
Written by Moshe Kormornick
The gemarra (pesachim 68b) records that Rav Yosef used to cook a special calf-meat to eat on Shavuos, for ‘if it was not for that day [of mattan torah] how many ..
Written by d fine