A so-called “simple” Jew was once travelling through a town when the sun began to set. He looked around and it was nearing nightfall when he finally ..
Written by Rabbi Moshe Kormornick
Megillah 7b: Rava said: “One is obligated to become intoxicated with wine on Purim, until one does not know the difference between ‘cursed is Haman’ and ‘blessed ..
Written by Howard Jackson
Haman was upset at Mordechai and decided all the Yidden must be made to suffer. He made a lottery to pick a day for when would be the best time to strike. The lottery ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
The Me’iri explains that the reason the Mishnah forbids reading the Megillah in reverse order (from the end part back to the beginning) is that only when one reads ..
Written by d fine
I heard the following vort from Rav Ari Cutler: ‘If’ you will build an altar of stones… (Shemot 20:22) ‘If’ you will lend money to the poor… ..
Written by Jonny Caller
One of the things which seems to make an non-insignificant appearance in the Megillah is the sum of money. Haman is constantly stressing the fact that he wants to give ..
Written by d fine
The words of chazal give us major insights into the way to read what seems to be a simple text, and megillas esther is no exception. Chazal tell us that though the word ..
Written by D Fine
The Medrash relates that Rav Akiva was once in the middle of teaching a class when he noticed his students beginning to doze off. He digressed from the subject he had been ..
Written by Oizer Alport
When Haman pulled Mordechai on the horse in front of his own house, his daughter, sure that her father was on the horse and Mordechai pulling it, threw refuse on her father. ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
One of the later authorities points out something remarkable about the events leading up to the execution of queen vashti by achashveirosh in the first perek of the megilla. ..
Written by D Fine
The festival is named purim (‘lottery’) after the lottery that Hamman cast to determine the day the Jews would all be killed. Is this not a rather inappropriate ..
Written by d fine