On Pesach at the Seder, we drink 4 cups of wine plus we have one cup for Eliyahu HaNavi. The word cup in Hebrew is “Kos.” The gematria of the word Kos is 86, which ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
did you know that the ba’al hagada was answering the question you had always asked …. ? what are we celebrating on Pesach – we’re still deeply ..
Written by Sruli Guttentag
Seder night is possibly the most celebrated Jewish festival in the year. In some irreligious homes the Seder is conducted and then the family go off and watch the film ..
Written by d fine
Though Moshes’ name is mentioned only once in the entire Haggadah, no one would deny that he is the central figure in the story of the exodus. It was his leadership ..
Written by Rafi Jager
On Seder night we ask the Ma Nishtana and its four questions. This kicks off the mitzva of Sipur Yetzias Mitzrayim. Later we speak about the four sons and how they ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose
Most are aware of certain themes of different festivals. We associate Shavuos with receiving of the Torah, Purim with Emunah, etc. The problem is that we often do not connect ..
Written by d fine
In Dayeinu we say ‘if You [HaShem] would have brought us to Mount Sinai but would not have given us the Torah that would have been enough.’ But is that ..
Written by d fine
Even the poorest man in Israel may not eat until he reclines and they must not give him less than four cups of wine, eve, even if he is supported by the charity ..
Written by Anonymous
Q: It’s true that when we were taken out of Egypt we only had time to bake Matzah, and therefore on seder night the eating of the matzah symbolizes freedom. However, ..
Written by Jonathan Caller
The Mitzvah of the Parah Adumah commemorated the practice of purification that was observed by the Jewish people in the ancient days. At the same time it impresses ..
Written by Benjamin A Rose