Chanuka is often described as the Festival of Lights. We find “light” being used in regard to the mitzvah of Pesach where the Gemora learns that one should use a light ..
Written by Rabbi Moshe Kormornick
On Chanukah we commemorate the miracles of defeating the Greeks and the discovery of a single canister of pure undefiled oil in the Temple. But why do we still celebrate ..
Written by Rabbi Daniel Leeman
After the Greeks banned Torah study, they came to check on the Jews to make sure that they were complying with the decree. When the Greeks arrived, the Jews took ..
Written by Rabbi Daniel Leeman
I often hear people talk about Chanukah, and how the Jews beat the Greek mentality. But when they speak of the “Greek mentality”, often it becomes quite clear ..
Written by Jeremy...
Quick Few Words on Chanukah… A time of candle lighting, doughnuts, latkas and celebration but what is really going on behind the scenes in our celebration of Chanukah ..
Written by Daniel Sandground
This one is another ‘more-clever-than-practical’ dvar torah, but there is still much to be gained and understood. We are going to discuss the nature of hiddur ..
Written by D Fine
The Maharal of Prague tells us, that the primary conflict between the Greeks and the Jews was in their chochma, their wisdom. Chochmat Yavan, the Wisdom of the Greeks ..
Written by Tal Segal
One of the reasons the Greeks targeted the Mikdash to defile was because the Mikdash ran contrary to their philosophy and outlook on life. The Greeks believed in aesthetics ..
Written by d fine
I got an email back last week from one of the people on this list, a good friend of mine. He is thinking about spending some time in a yeshiva, but isn’t sure. ..
Written by Tal Segal