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A Dangerous Fiery Observance

Written by Rabbi Aryeh Dachs

Acharei Mos: A Dangerous Fiery Observance


My brother-in-law recently made an interesting observation. He is in his mid-thirties and had studied in advanced yeshivas though most of his twenties. He pointed out that of his peers, the ones that were ultimately most successful in Torah study were not necessarily the ones that were the most clever and passionate or, for lack of a better term, geshmak. Rather, he found that the consistent young men who focused on simply understanding the Torah, over time developed into the most accomplished, erudite Torah scholars. He is not wrong. Sticking with the regular program, learning the Torah to understand it, is the best tried-and-true recipe for success. Not only that, too much passion and fire can lead to spiritual devastation.


At the inauguration of the Mishkan the Jewish people witnessed a heavenly fire miraculously descend from heaven and ignite the Altar. The Midrash teaches that upon experiencing this spectacle, Nadav and Avihu, the sons of Aharon, were overwhelmed by joy. They felt a strong burning love for Hashem. The passionate love they felt ultimately cost them their lives. They brought a “strange” fire in an attempt to add “love to love”. The strange fire was inappropriate, and these two great tzadikim were instantly killed.


Acharei Mos begins by reiterating the death of the holy sons of Aharon. The language used is interesting. The Torah tells us that they died, “bikorvosom lifnei Hashem, when they drew near before Hashem”. R’ Moshe Feinstein points out that the Torah is being specific and emphasizing an important lesson gleaned from their death. Although they attained an extraordinarily high level of spirituality and connection to Hashem, they craved a deeper connection. More than what was appropriate.


We all have a very lofty Jewish soul, a neshama, which craves connection to Hashem. There is a risk that that craving will move us to try to connect in ways that are inappropriate. R’ Moshe teaches that part of our spiritual mission demands that we learn to satisfy our passionate spiritual ambitions with the “regular” mitzvos of the Torah. The path to spiritual perfection, shleimus is only by way of the Torah and mitzvos. An alternative path that veers from normative Torah standards, even when guided by an honest ambition to connect to Hashem, can lead to a disastrous spiritual undoing.


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