We know that Hashem wears a mask. He hides Himself behind the veil of nature. But if we realise that a mask is just that – a mask, then we will realise that we can lift up that mask to see the Source beneath it. We may not be able to see the sea split or the sun stand still, but if we open up our eyes and are truly aware of our surroundings then we will see that it is Hashem, not nature, that is running the show.
It was late one afternoon. My family and I were passing the doctors office when I realised that my son had ran out
of his medicine that he needed. I went inside to fill out a repeat prescription, but to my dismay I didn’t know the official name of the medicine or have any of his medical details on me. I was unable to fill out the prescription and the surgery was closing soon. Just then, the doctor came out his office. His final patient had not arrived yet and he wanted some coffee. He saw me in a fluster over the medical forms and straight away he led me into his office. He went out of his way to find my son’s medical information and he gave me the prescription right there on the spot. I exited his office just as his last patient for the day arrived!
This may seem small, but it is the seemingly small things in life that allow us to appreciate Hashem and what He does for us. If take note of the “small” kindnesses that Hashem does for us then we will see that He is with us every step of the way. And that really is not such a small thing at all.