Rashi explains that Korach was a clever person, yet how could he go so far wrong as to challenge Moshe and the whole authenticity of the Torah?
There are many reasons, but it is clear that ego is one of them. The need to be someone or have one’s name on something CAN be a terrible detraction from the greatness of an act. Korach in his position,with his power and wealth could have been an incredible asset to the Jewish people which was especially needed at that time (after the sin of believing the spies’ reports).
However it seems that Korach wanted his name in The Book as it were. Well, HaShem does everything mida keneged mida and so when Korach tried to prove that Moshe was illogical when it came to his teachings, HaShem opened up the ground (unnatural) and the act of opposing Moshe in fact ended up giving strength to Moshe and to the authenticity of the Torah and its teachings.