What is a short vort?

A “vort” is a Yiddish word for “a word”.  It is used in several different contexts; for instance, when a couple decides to marry, they announce the occasion with an engagement party. This is often called a vort, because here, the man and woman traditionally give their “word” to each other to formally commit to the marriage.

In the context that we are presenting it, a vort refers to words of Torah presented verbally or in writing.  In fact, it is common around the world for a host to ask his guest if he has a “short vort” to share.  Or, as Rav Yitzchak Berkovits writes in the approbation to Short Vort (the book) “It was always understood that when two Jews meet there is an exchange of ‘something new’ in Torah”.  This therefore became the name of the website – to serve as a place for people to read, learn and share ‘short vorts’ – short, inspiring, interesting Divrei Torah for all occasions.  We have short vorts on the weekly Torah portion, Festivals and just about every Jewish occasion that there is.

Please feel free to enjoy our website and use the materials presented here freely.  Where possible, when you are saying over something you found on this website, please quote the website as its source – as the Gemora says “Anyone who says a teaching in the name of who originally told it to them brings redemption to the world”[1].  And if you print out anything from this website, please include the web address.

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[1] Megilla 15a

[2] Partners in Eternity, Pg. 84